Monday 1 April 2019

A splendid Sunday and productive Monday

My Mother’s Day started with a scrumptious hamper from my son and daughter. Wine, cheese, pate, crackers and chutney, lots of my favourite things! Very spoilt! Me, hubby and daughter then went down to Plymouth to pick up Mum and take her out for lunch. The photos are our view during the meal, which one would you choose? The food was delicious and we all left feeling very fat and full.
Before taking Mum home, we parked up at a spot overlooking the sea and watched the marine traffic. We didn’t get out, it was very blustery, to say the least! Then dropped Mum home and made our way back to Exeter. Must admit, I didn’t do much for the rest of the day, too full of food, haha.

Today the weather has been beautiful, so washing out in the line early, shopping done and then I decided to get my onion sets in and seeds sown in the raised beds. So parsnip, carrot and beetroot seeds have been sown so far. It’s meant to be showery tomorrow, so all good :)

I’ve had a quick coffee and so I’d better get on with some ironing and dinner prep. I’ve got skittles tonight, fingers crossed for a good score!

Cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. Sounds like a lovely day. You are ahead of me with sowing seeds although I am not growing much this year. I do want to get some lettuce and beetroot in though.

    1. I thought I'd make a start, as it was so warm. Still have several 'crops' to sow, but some have to be brought on indoors first. I was going to sow some mixed leaf too, but the seeds I had were out of date, so I'll pick some up tomorrow:)

  2. Sounds like you had a good Mothers day, I did too, got a Beginners or complete set to do needle felting I have wanted to give it a try and a gorgeous bracelet from my Daughter and son-in-law to be so very happy have spent a lot of ime on you tube looking up videos of how to do it lol, look forward to hearing how your gardening goes as I no longer have a garden. Take care x

    1. Ooh, your needle felting present sounds good, Edwina! I've seen some lovely things done with needle felting. I need to spend some time on the garden, but the weather has turned cold here this afternoon and forecast to be staying for a while unfortunately.
