Tuesday 2 April 2019

A visit to the beach

We have bugs in the house, or rather my dear hubby has passed on his germs to me! Woke up feeling rubbish, sore throat and achy joints etc. I hadn’t intended to do much, just mooch about the house doing this and that, feeling sorry for myself. However, I gave myself a kick up the derrière and decided a trip to the beach was in order, to blow the germs away. So in the car and off to Dawlish Warren, a beach about half an hour away. I parked up, bought a hot chocolate and made my way up the path overlooking the beach. It was very windy and a bit chilly, but lovely sunshine. So I settled on the bench, with the dune grass behind, sheltering me from the wind and enjoyed this view....

It was beautiful there this morning and very quiet too, just a few people walking their dogs. I prefer this beach out of season or in the summer evenings. It gets VERY busy in the holiday season! Feeling a bit revitalised, I got back to the car, just as the rain arrived. 
The remainder of the day has been spent doing some of the housework I should have done whilst I was at the beach. But some things are more important:)
Enjoy your evening, 
cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. lovely to find you here...oh my dawlish warren looks delightful i dont think ive been in two years? maybe i best put this on my ;day trip listy ~ thanks for sharing such beautiful coastal views...the best thing is vitamin Sea hehe ;)

    1. My husband and son play golf at Dawlish Warren, so I sometimes go with them (with my book!) and settle by the beach, while they're off playing. It was particularly quiet there on Tuesday, which was lovely. Definitely put it on your day trip list! :)
