Wednesday 17 April 2019

A mizzly yesterday, a sunny today

What a miserable start of yesterday! A really heavy mizzle before slightly lifting, as I made my way to have a deep tissue massage. I have one each month, she keeps my back and muscles working better, as well as having a natter all the while. By the time I came out, it had brightened a bit, so I took myself off to Dawlish Warren for a walk.

I was there two weeks ago, bright and sunny then and a clear view over to Exmouth. Not so yesterday........

There were a couple of people, chancing their luck, trying to catch a fish or two. I wonder if they caught anything?

It was still quite chilly, so after a while, I made my way home to get on with some chores.

So today I woke up to very thick fog, which took an age to burn off! It is my daughter’s day off today, so she came over and we went to a garden centre for coffee (I needed to get a couple of grow bag trays) We had a look around at all the gifts things, could’ve spent a fortune, but didn’t :)
I just came away with my grow bag trays and a bag of seed potatoes. I grow them in a couple of potato sacks. The days of digging trenches to grow potatoes are long gone!

The sun is glorious here now, so I’ll be doing a bit of garden pottering, I think. I’ll leave you with a photo of the gorse growing by the beach, such a rich colour! 

Cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. It was very foggy early morning, I went on to Knit and knatter by lunchtime the sun was out so I did quite a bit in the garden. How lucky you are to live at the seaside. I have recently moved to a village after living for nearly 80 years for living right near Heathrow Airport and I am living it, my daughter is about 5.miles away.
    Hazel c uk

    1. I am lucky that I only live about 25/30 mins away in a car from a beach. I like to get my sea 'fix' as often as I can :) You are nice and close to your daughter.
