Tuesday 28 May 2019

My garden is a buzzin’!

Yesterday was, apart feeding the washing machine, a day of bashing the huge clods of clay soil with a  rake to prepare an area for wildflowers to grow. There is no decent rainfall forecast for the next week, so muscle power it was. Eventually it was more of a satisfactory tilth, so I raked in some top soil and seed compost and sowed my seeds...

So, we will see how it goes. I’ve covered the area with a mesh, in the hope of keeping Karma and the birds off. The front garden is in full swing, as it were...

There was a bare area just behind this perennial wallflower, so I’ve planted another Nepeta.

The lavender is now starting to flower, which will attract  even more bees. I haven’t seen any butterflies yet, is it too early? 

I’ll leave you will some photos of my buzzy friends, there’s a few different ones. It was difficult to take the pics at times, as it’s quite breezy here today, so I’m afraid they’re not the best in the world! 
Thanks for popping by, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. Beautiful. I had high hopes for my lavender this year but I fear the frost may have put paid to that. X

  2. Oh, that's a shame, Jules. Perhaps they'll just be late starting. I normally cut mine back in the autumn and hope for the best!
