Tuesday 4 June 2019

Time flies.....

I can’t believe a week has passed since my last post! To be fair, nothing of great interest has happened during this time. My hubby has been in a great deal of pain with his back. Normal pain relief has not being doing too much, nor has his night time ones. But he did see a back specialist on Thursday and had a scan to confirm it’s what the chiropractor, physio and specialist all think it is. He gets the results soon.

In the meantime, I’ve been just keeping things ticking over. Grass has been mown (growing very fast at the mo!), planting up the tomatoes in their final containers. I still have the cucumber and courgette to do, as I ran out of compost. I bought some more yesterday evening, so I’ll probably do them today. I also need to dig over a little bit more of a border in the back garden, but I need more rain before I do that, as our clay soil is like rock at the moment.

As hubby cannot move in certain ways at present, I am administering Karma’s insulin. So it’s a 7 am start each morning. Once Karma has been seen to, I’ve been getting stuck in to my ironing, hanging out the washing etc. Getting some of my normal chores out of the earlier means it frees up time later in the day for other jobs. My Marie Curie Tea Party isn’t that far away and I need to declutter downstairs. I don’t have a massive house, so it can get messy quite quickly. We also have a much needed break in Cornwall before then, I’m running short on time.

So I’m feeling a little bit stressed. Problems with the clutch on my car are not helping. It will be having a holiday at the garage, being fixed, while we’re away. I also worry that Karma will behave herself. Our son will still be at home, seeing to her and our daughter sees to her insulin if his shifts mean he can’t.

But today I’m looking forward to having a sports massage. When I say looking forward to, I think it might be a painful one, but it’ll do me good in the long run. I have a slightly twingey back, so she should be able to sort that. When I get back, I’ve got to go through my summer clothes. They’ve been in vacuum bags in the loft. Any that I no longer want, I’ll bag up for our local charity shop.

I haven’t got any exciting plans for the rest of the week. It will be weather dependent really, as I’d like to get the rest of the garden sorted. Friday, of course, I’ll be at the Blue Cross, so there will be some baking going on, on Thursday. Last week I did vanilla cupcakes, buttercream icing and a slice of fresh strawberry on top. What will I do this week?.....

So, I’m off now to start some ironing, an activity I quite enjoy. Sorry this hasn’t been the most exciting post. Hope you have a good day and I’ll leave you with a couple of photos of one of my roses. Cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. Hope the diagnosis for hubby's back is one that is easily treatable. Sounds like you need to be careful with yours as those little twinges can turn into something worse over time. I am trying to strengthen mine with the yoga classes - I can after a few weeks now sit up straight more comfortably than when I first started so something must be working!
    I have ironing to do - I enjoy it too - it is my thinking time.

    1. I've always had a bit of a 'dodgy' back, on and off. This time it was due to lugging bags of compost around! I do yoga too, but I've lapsed a bit. So I need start again. I always feel so much better after doing yoga regularly:)

  2. I'm in a similar position coincidentally! Hubby has a really bad back at the moment - never had it before and he's never ill so we're presuming he's just pulled something (he does a manual job). We're also off to Cornwall on the 15th - hoping for some sun. We'll be calling in on mother in law at some point too -she's in Devon. I've asked my mum to come and feed our cat in the mornings and daughter to come and let her in at night. Daren't risk a cattery as she's only been in once and she went on hunger strike for the week. I still have to board our 2 rabbits though - almost £100 for the week - RIDICULOUS!!!

    1. Hope your hubby's back is better soon, so you can both enjoy your holiday! I love Cornwall and as we live in Devon, it takes very little time to get to whatever destination, in our case, this time we're going to Hayle.
      I'm sure there are very good catteries out there, but we've always kept our at home, when we've gone on holiday. Before Karma's diabetes diagnosis, our neighbours looked after her.
