Monday 6 May 2019

Bank Holiday Monday

Lovely sunny day here today. I had to drop my son into work this morning, so popped into Aldi on the way back, as my daughter said they had some nice garden pots etc in. She wasn’t wrong! I came out with a glazed garden planter to go with my bacon and loo rolls! 

It was a day of random garden jobs today. The grass in the back garden needed mowing, which is normally a ‘hubby’ job. However, as he is still suffering terribly with sciatica, I was in charge of the mower. I didn’t do too bad a job. We have two strange shaped areas of grass and it’s not easy to mow.

 Anyway, after I had tidied the edges, I got in with my own bits and pieces. Firstly the small blossom tree in the front garden has been ‘got’ by something and the leaves are shrivelling. So now the blossom has long gone, I’ve cut it right back. We’ll have to see how it gets on. I also dug up a verbena which was struggling to be seen, thanks to the lavenders and have transplanted it in the back garden. 

Next on my list was to put my little Christmas tree, pet name Stanley, into a bigger pot. I bought him for 50p from B&Q a couple of years ago. He was only about 6 inches tall and to be honest is a bit of a slow grower, but I’m persevering......

I also potted up some chives, oregano and thyme in a lovely blue glazed pot. I’ll keep them on the patio next to my rosemary, so I can just nip out and snip some off when I need to.....

That was enough gardening for one day. I’m going to look into what else I can do with my rhubarb. It’s doing very well this year, I’ve already pulled loads....

Hubby and I love a crumble, or just stewed with a blob of ice cream, but I’m going to be more adventurous with it. Watch this space!

So I’m going to make a cuppa and settle down with some recipe books, thanks for popping by, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. Stanley??!! :-) need to know why!

    1. Haha! No real reason, other than it's a good solid name for what I'd hoped might be a good solid tree (I might be waiting a while!!) I do like giving the odd thing pet names. We had a wood pigeon who came into our garden named Hercules, as his 'fusilage' was similar to the plane. We now have a squadron of them at times!!

  2. I had a really lazy day yesterday, so today I cannot wait till I go in the garden today, I need to plant on the geraniums and I must do some seeds. My son gave me a very big white sink I think I am going to put wild flowers in it this year.
    Hazel c uk

    1. Nice to have a lazy day sometimes, Hazel. Hope the weather is ok for your gardening today. The rain is coming later today, but I think we in the south west are going to get it first. I love white sinks planted up :)

  3. I love Stanley. I hope he will have some (small) fairy lights at Christmas. X

    1. I think this year he'll be big enough to have some! :)

  4. Stanley is just too cute for words, and I'm with Jules, he really needs fairy lights this Christmas!

    ooh, wonder what you'll do with the rhubarb, which is looking rather fabulous I have to say .

    1. I think I will illuminate him, Sadie, you never know, he might have a growth spurt! Doing more recipe research tonight :)
