Sunday 5 May 2019

Killerton House part 2

So yesterday, on our wander around the grounds of Killerton House, we got to Bear Hut and it’s extraordinary decor.

After leaving there, the path meandered through the gardens. Every now and then,  a gap appears in the trees, revealing the fantastic views beyond...

There are many benches along the way, to sit awhile. I took the path to the chapel, the gardens were more open here and there were some very interesting trees. Gnarled ones, twisting ones......

And it was noisy too, a large rookery in several firs. Well, they might have been crows, I didn’t see any close enough to differentiate. Eventually I got to the chapel.......

It’s a bit unusual inside, as the pews face each other across the aisle.....

I love the shape of the chancel and the high stained glass windows....

I left the chapel, picked up the path leading back to the house and returned to the main courtyard where the cafe, gift shop, secondhand book shop and plant shop are situated. After my walk, I clearly had earns a cappuccino and large slice of chocolate brownie. No photos of those though, they didn’t hang around long enough, haha! A quick purchase in the book shop and it was the short drive home.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this little virtual visit to Killerton,
cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. You had a lovely day out, those trees are beautiful, the little thatch cottage is a darling. I loved your cards you made they were so pretty.
    I have been working in the garden and I managed to get a lot done especially getting all the bluebells tidy up.
    Hazel c uk

  2. I really enjoyed myself, Hazel. The weather was just right too. I've been working in the garden too today. I had to mow the grass, which isn't usually my job, but my husband has sciatica at the moment. Glad you got a lot done, it's a nice feeling isn't it :)
