Sunday 26 May 2019

Fun dog show and gardening

Yesterday morning I was up bright and early, getting little jobs done and the shopping out of the way. It was the Blue Cross Fun Dog Show at the Bampton Spring Fair. Bampton is a village just outside of Tiverton. I hadn’t been there before and although I found my way there, there must’ve been a quicker route. I seemed to have gone around the houses, or rather the villages, to get there!
Once I parked up, I met my daughter at the Blue Cross stalls etc. As well as a stall selling BX general pet merchandise, there was a doggie tombola. Your dog goes into a little enclosure of tennis balls, the first numbered ball he picks up wins him a prize....

There was also an agility course. It’s always amusing to watch the antics of the dogs taking part and the amounts of sausage used to encourage a dog to go through the tunnel, haha. Just before 1.30, the agility apparatus was cleared away and the enclosure was ready for the dog show. There were several classes your pooch could enter and all were done in a very fun way.....

Even though they were ‘fun’ classes, you always deserve a rosette! There were 5 for each class as well as a goody bag for 1st. Then an extra prize winner and reserve for Best in Show..

There were so many dogs of every description and it was lovely to see several that were rehomed from the Blue Cross, especially one that my daughter had fostered while looking for its forever home. Every dog got a Bonio as they left the ring. The spring fair itself was a bit disappointing, I had expected a lot more stalls and had it not been for the amazing amount of dogs and their humans, it would have been very, very, quiet. But it was a lovely day, lots of fun and money going to a very good cause. 

On to today, I dropped my son into work and came home to the garden. The grass needed mowing (hubby’s back is still excruciatingly painful, so is unable to do it) and the edges took forever to trim with the shears! Next I moved my little dilapidated greenhouse and cold frame, which was in the left hand border. I weeded the surrounding area, dug up a couple of very old sprawling herbs and then dug over the soil that was underneath the greenhouse. My god, it was hard going! We have very clay soil and the clods were enormous...


So I’m giving it another go tomorrow and will bash (technical term) the clods, rake it, add a bit of seed compost and sow some wildflower seeds. We have loads of bees and butterflies that come to our front garden and a fair few in the back, but they need all the help they can get these days!

I’m now relaxing in my chair and my muscles are telling me they’ve been well used! So I won’t be doing much this evening, other than a bit of knitting. 

I hope you enjoy the rest of the bank holiday weekend, cheerio for now, Ann x 


  1. The dog show did sound like fun.

    1. It was, Jean. I was so engrossed in it, I forgot to take any photos of the dogs!

  2. I love the dog tombola idea!

    Clay clods sound like hard work, you need a good rain on it to help

    1. We haven't got any decent rain forecast all week unfortunately. So I was out there early this morning:)
