Thursday 9 May 2019

Thursday bake

I haven’t posted for the last few days, as the hours have been filled with uneventful housework chores.

Today I was at the vets, bright and early, with Karma. Her meds have been working well, so it’s just carry on what we’re doing for another week and she’ll then have a blood test which will hopefully show her pancreatitis has settled right down.

So, on to baking.....with rhubarb. I decided to go with Rhubarb Crumble Cake which was on this time. It needed a big bowl, so I got my Mason Cash bowl out. I love my stand alone mixer, but sometimes it’s nice to have the old fashioned bowl out. The recipe was pretty straight forward and there was plenty of mixture in the cake tin and you sprinkle a sort of crumble topping on top. The cake took a little longer than the 1 hour 15 mins, but it seems to have turned out ok......

As usual, the gang at the Blue Cross will be my guinea pigs and I’ll ask them for feedback tomorrow. The recipe only uses 300g of rhubarb, so there’s plenty left in the garden to try some other recipes. In the meantime, I’ll peruse some of my books, Mary Berry is bound to have some!

That’s it for today, until next time, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. The cake sounds delicious. I'm glad Karma is doing OK. Fingers crossed for the blood test results. X

  2. Thanks Jules, she's so much better in herself:)
