Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Year!

Just a quick post to wish you all a happy new year! I hope, however you decided to see it in, you had a good time.

 Hubby and I went to a friends’ house in Topsham. There was lots of delicious buffet food, glasses of bubbly and a game very similar to Articulate but on a phone app, which was handy as there were quite a few of us!  We had quite a few laughs playing it, I can tell you! As midnight approached, we all wandered down to the river and watched some fireworks. Hubby and I then toddled off back home, as he had to leave for work at 6.30 this morning!

I woke up feeling slightly hungover and I only had 4 flutes of bubbly and then drank water! To be fair, I think it’s more to do with the rich food I was nibbling on all evening. So today I’m back to my sensible eating, starting with my breakfast......

We still have a LOT of chocolates left but I will be rationing myself. It’s all about balance and I’m back to the gym tomorrow too.

Today, I’m having a lazy day. No hubby around and my son saw the new year in at his girlfriend’s, so goodness knows when he’ll pitch up! My daughter saw the new year in at her new house and will probably take her dog for a new year walk today. So I have the house to myself (and the cat!) and the peace and quiet that goes with it.

I hope you all have a lovely day today, whatever you’re doing and thank you for popping by, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. I very rarely touch alcohol Ann but rebelled last night and had a rather large glass and top up of a Lambrini type wine with peaches.....oh my word am I paying for it today. I feel like a lump of lead and have the mother of all headaches. I have been in the kitchen all morning baking for tonight's tea and have just been shoving stuff in the oven, setting the timer and hoping for the
    Have a wonderful new year.

    1. Oh Sheila, hope you’re feeling a bit better now! Hope your baking came out ok :)) xx

  2. I don't feel great with too much rich food either. I'll be glad to see a return to 'normal' meals this week. X

    1. Me too, Jules. I’ve had very simple food today and it’s been really nice! X

  3. I was asleep well before midnight and had a long walk this morning to get rid of the cobwebs. Hope the new year brings you happiness and joy, Ann.

    1. Thank you, Chris and the same to you :)
      A nice walk in the morning is the best way to get rid of the cobwebs!

  4. Working on New Year's day? I didn't surface until 10am!! We had a great time with our friends too and watched fireworks going off throughout the village.
    I will be glad to get back into a routine.
    Have a wonderful year. x

    1. Unfortunately the footballing world doesn’t stop for anything, so off to work hubby must go. I must admit, I got up to give Karma her insulin and then slept for two and half hours or more! I’ll be glad of routine and also only normal food left in the cupboards. I hope you also have a fab year :)
