Monday 13 January 2020

My weekend

My weekend should have started with a lie in, as hubby was up early to go to work. However I heard him let Karma out the front door and within a couple of minutes, a huge cat fight ensued! I rushed down and went out to see what was what. I saw the big tabby skulk off with a bit of a swagger and Karma crept out from under a neighbour’s car, a bit fluffed up and quite distressed.

I gave her a quick once over. She had a slight little cut in front of her ear, but other than that, I couldn’t see anything else. She was still wearing her collar (in past attacks, she’s had that one ripped off) She was just a bit quiet for the rest of the day and wanted cuddles in the evening.

Fast forward to yesterday morning. She ate her breakfast ok, so no worries there, but she was flicking her ear quite a bit. It was obviously very sore and very difficult to get a good look into it. I did try with my phone light and saw it was very red and a bit bloody. I got my daughter to come over and see if she could help. She did get a slightly better look, while I was holding Karma in a towel. Infection had already started in there from some lacerations. So it was a trip to the emergency vets! Two injections of anti bs and anti inflammatory, a bottle of Metacam and a £103 bill later, we left the vets. Hopefully in the next couple of days, she’ll be feeling a lot better!

What else have I been up to? Well, Saturday afternoon I went to watch Exeter City. We won 2-0, although it wasn’t a good game and it got very cold! I was glad of a quiet evening, having cuddles with Karma.

Apart from the vet visit yesterday, I fed the washing machine regularly and popped over to my daughter’s house in the evening and had a cuddle with this one while we watched tv......

Today it was my meet up day with my friend (alternate Thursdays and Mondays) and we went to another garden centre for breakfast and a meander. The weather has been gradually deteriorating throughout the day, thanks to Storm Brendan and it’s blowing a hooley out there!

This evening I’ve got skittles and then I’ll be battening down the hatches. Hope you’re all keeping safe where you are, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. Poor Karma.....and poor you with that vet's bill. I hope the medication chases the nasties away.

    I might go out and do a bit of shopping tonight but I'll check the weather first as it's turned nasty here and if it starts raining heavily the road to town will be bad. It's just not worth the risk.

    Enjoy your skittles.

    1. Thanks Sheila, hope you managed to get out last night in the end. When I left skittles last night to come home, it all seemed a bit calmer.

  2. Hope Karma is feeling better, our Purdy cat had the same happen to her last year, after a visit to the vets she recovered well, I hate the big Tom's who come into our garden.

    1. I glad Purdy recovered well. When there has been spats with other cats in past years, it’s always been a bit of handbags scuffle. But it’s different with this one, who has only been living here the last 18 months.

  3. I guess the only thing to say is "could have been worse (or even more expensive)" Hope Karma is back to normal soon.

    1. Thanks Chris, I’m keeping fingers crossed that the anti bs do their thing quickly.

  4. I wish Karma a speedy recovery. Weather wasnt too bad here, thank heavens. I do love garden centres these days as they have so much more than plants.

    1. Thank you, she’s flicking her ear less now, so I’m assuming it’s a little less sore. Yes, garden centres nowadays are full of all sorts of things to tempt you and usually very nice food in their cafes/restaurants :)
