Tuesday 31 March 2020

A quiet, but busy day

It’s been a very quiet day for me today.  Up early as usual to feed and give Karma her insulin. In these weird times, I have tried to keep my day structured and as normal as possible, so I always have a ‘to do’ list.

 I had thought I might just do some yoga instead of the Joe Wicks workout, but in the end I did the workout and was glad I did. The washing was pegged out and blowing out nicely. My next task was to bake some bread. Now, I haven’t baked bread in a while and when I did, it was with a bread making machine. So as I was making it by hand, I used the one bread mix I had in the cupboard. I have all the ingredients in to make completely from scratch another time. Anyway, it didn’t turned out too bad.......

and it tasted pretty good too. We had it with our evening meal, Pepper and Chicken Bake, to mop up all the lovely juices.

This evening, I’m going through a load of free seeds I have received with my Amateur Gardener magazine. I’m keeping the ones I will definitely use and the others I will offer up on our road’s WhatsApp group tomorrow. I’ll put them in a tin on my garden path and my neighbours can help themselves. I’m also going to finish my baby bank blanket tonight.

Tomorrow, I’m definitely just going to do some yoga, as my knees are feeling it a bit. They’re not used to doing quite so much jumping/running on the spot etc. Well, P.E. with Joe Wicks is aimed at the kids being off school and I am 56, haha!  I’m also going to be doing some baking of the cake variety, though I’m not sure what yet. I’ll probably peruse some of my baking books over a nice coffee at elevenses.

So until tomorrow, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. Your loaf looks good. I've been spending more time than usual in the kitchen myself as I find it comforting at the moment.
    I hope your knees ease up a bit. I think I will search for an online class and try some yoga too. X

    1. Yes, I find it comforting too and I know hubby and son are appreciating it too. My knees are a bit better today. I’m going to have to improvise and do some leg extensions at home. My knees have always been dodgy and doing certain weight exercises at the gym have been helping no end!
      I think I’ll do a yoga search too. It’s better to do it as a class, that just on my tod! :)

    2. S’cuse me butting in - hello Jules!

      Absolutely brilliant free yoga available at https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene

      Adriene has been offering free yoga for many years, pre-Covid she had over 5 million subscribers, that number has gone up now. Vast range of videos, and the bonus of Benji the dog wandering in occasionally πŸ™‚

    3. Thanks for the link, Jayne. Hopefully Jules saw it :)

  2. Very nice loaf. I bet it tasted wonderful.

    God bless.

    1. I have to say, Jackie, I was surprised how nice it was? It was a hit with my hubby and son too :)
