Saturday 28 March 2020

First four days of lockdown

Morning everyone! Well to be honest, the first two days didn’t feel any different from normal, other than I didn’t pop out to the shops. There was lots of washing, ironing and general housework. I had plenty in the freezer and fresh fruit and veggies, so didn’t need to shop.

Thursday, with no baking for the Blue Cross, no meeting my friend and laundry up to date, I had some spare time on my hands. Hubby was weeding the patio slabs and pressure washing subsequently, so I stayed indoors and made some cards. I needed two anniversary cards and a birthday card for a friend/neighbour. I have quite a few toppers, so coordinated these with some papers........

I also finished off some generic birthday cards I had half made a while back. I used stamps for these, ProMarker pens for colour and papers from my stash.....

Yesterday was the first day I felt the pinch of lockdown. I needed to go to Sainsbury’s for all sorts, mainly because I didn’t go mad and stockpile. So there was lots of items on my list that I couldn’t get from a farm shop delivery. Anxious isn’t the word for it! I left it until midday, long after all the special shopping hours. However the queue was all the way to the top of the very large car park. Everyone was being very sensible with distancing. I had on protective gloves and smothered the trolley handle with sanitiser. It didn’t take long before I was at the entrance. Only a certain number of shoppers allowed in store on a one out, one in basis. I managed to get most of my shopping, only a few items not available. It was a larger shop intentionally. I will not be going in again unless absolutely necessary, as the longer I was in there, the more stressed I was getting.

I dropped off the shopping for my neighbour (on her doorstep), had lunch and was going to weed the front garden. But I felt so out of sorts after my shopping expedition, I decided to curl up in the chair, in the sun and read my book. I felt tons better for that.

I glanced out to the garden earlier in the morning and noticed the Magpie trying to balance on the seed shelf and peck out the mealworms from the holder. I don’t really like Magpies, as all the other birds are scared of them. But he entertained me for a while, particularly as he nearly fell off twice....

In lieu of gym, I have been doing the PE with Joe Wicks at 9am. It’s aimed at the kids, but I think there are loads of adults are doing it and it’s pretty good! My cot blanket is almost finished for the Exeter Baby Bank, so I’ll be starting a new project, possibly stuff for the neo natal dept. at the Royal Devon & Exeter.

Today is another lovely sunny day, but with a very chilly wind. We’re going out for a walk for exercise today, so I’ll wrap up. Hubby has gone up to the paper shop for our older neighbours. I’m also planning on sowing seeds too. I’m never bored, I have too many hobbies and keep in touch with family and friends by phone, FaceTime or Facebook.

And there’s always baking! But my son announced he’s baking this weekend, so I wonder what his offerings will be. I’ve got loads of ingredients available to him. My daughter said she’s baking today too,  at her house. I’m glad they’ve both got the skills, in times like this.

So, that’s my catch up of news. Hope you’re all keeping safe, thanks for popping by, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. Oh, love the cards Ann, you give me loads of ideas, thanks! Those toppers you sent me are so useful, aren't they, can mix and match with papers I already have. I'm all baked out now for a while, having made cakes (including a couple for neighbours), scones, pastry and bread this week. In any case, the freezer is full up now, with baked goods and meals I've made. The wind is a bit too chilly for me to be outside, so cardmaking it will have to be then....oh what a hardship!!

    1. Yes Sooze, the toppers are so useful, particularly when you have lots of papers. The same topper can look so different with different papers. Well done on all your baking, (for the neighbours too). I’ve just come back from the walk, it was bracing !

  2. It has felt quite surreal this last week, as it has seemed more like the beginning of summer break than an enforced lockdown. I'm sure the reality of the situation will hit home as the days and weeks go on. I feel blessed that I am able to get outdoors still. X

    1. I’m sure we’ll think differently in a few weeks, Jules. But in the meantime, I’m enjoying the quietness of everything x

  3. Replies
    1. Back at you, Sheila! Hope you’re doing ok xx

  4. Your cards are beautiful, I am most impressed.

    Sorry you had such an anxious shop, I understand completely and think you described it all exceptionally well. Even down to feeling out of sorts once home. Very much the same here. My fear/expectation is that the lockdown will be extended past three weeks, goodness knows how long we will be like this. When history looks back with a longer lens the economic toll and mental health issues will probably far outweigh the lives lost. There is no good way for any government to handle it.

    1. Thank you, Jayne, Easter cards are next on the agenda.

      I think while we’re on lockdown, it is best to do what we feel is right for us. Some days I am a real busy bee, others it’s doing the essentials and being kind to myself. My hubby is working from home, but doing the same in his spare time.

      When this is all over, we’ll have to support our own local businesses. If we all do that, the ripple effect will work....hopefully.
