Saturday, 14 March 2020

Cats and cakes

Feeling less stressed and have had some less busy days. Unfortunately my Aquafit class was cancelled on Thursday due to a staffing problem, but that did free up a bit more time to do a few chores which involved driving here and there. I had a large bag of stuff for the charity shop in a  nearby village, I picked up a library book I ordered and attempted to send off a box containing two birthday presents to my cousin’s daughters. They have birthdays with 10 days of each other, so I tend to send it all down together.......and there was the problem! Aside from some money in their cards, I bought them both 3 small bottles of nail polish each. Apparently with Royal Mail, you can only send a maximum of  4 bottles in any one parcel, no matter how small the bottle. So I had to take the parcel home, make two small parcels and go back up to the Post office again. What a palaver!

Anyway after the parcel debacle, it was home to some relaxing baking. Toffee cupcakes, for the Blue Cross, with icing and sprinkles.......

So Friday is volunteering at Blue Cross day. Usually I go to a supermarket, have poached eggs and do any shopping needed. But it was my daughter’s day off and she text me to ask me if I wanted to meet up at a garden centre for breakfast. Usually garden centre and daughter are not words that are used in the same sentence, haha. But now she’s a house owner and has a quite large garden, a whole new world is opening up for her! Anyway, joking aside, we had a nice breakfast and we had a wander around the plants and I advised a few plants to buy for the time being. Then it was a quick whizz home, pick up my baked goodies and off to Blue Cross.

It was a busy day there, stocking up the cattery kitchen with food, stocking up the ‘linen cupboard’ with bedding and towels and of course sitting with some gorgeous cats. I have two favourites at the moments (yes, I know it’s wrong!) there’s the gregarious, black and white Felix and the so-affectionate grey boy called Harold......

He cuddled up on my lap and just purred!

Hubby was cooking last night. When I got home, he had run a bath for me to relax in, while he prepped and cooked our meal. So what is a girl to do, other than sink into the warm bubbles with her latest read......

Due to the Coronavirus, all Football league and Premier league football matches are cancelled. So no footy matches for my son and I on a Saturday. But as my hubby works in the football world, it means he is now home (ahem, under my feet!) There’s only so much work he can do from home. I might be encouraging him to go to the golf club!

Today though, we all went out for breakfast to the farm shop, which was very nice. I bought some lovely pork chops and naughty belly pork for the freezer. It’s a great independent farm shop and one I will be shopping at a bit more frequently during this difficult time. I’d rather support them and just buy, what I can’t get there, at the supermarket. So many small businesses must be very worried at the moment. I did pop into Sainsbury’s for some bits for myself and an elderly neighbour. My list wasn’t massive at all, but there were 6 things I just couldn’t get because of empty shelves and one for my neighbour. I hope the panic buying subsides soon.

For the rest of the day, I’m just doing a bit of pottering and some knitting. The cot blanket I am knitting for the Baby bank should be finished today. We are just having a Ploughman’s later with some delicious local cheeses and bread bought from the farm shop today.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend, thanks for popping by, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. I would want to take Harold home.

    1. He’s gorgeous isn’t he! I can’t see him being homeless for long.

  2. Lovely cakes, Ann. Your hubby sounds a treasure.

  3. Harold is gorgeous! If I was any closer he'd be coming home with me. X

    1. I’m waiting to see if he is still there tomorrow. If he hasn’t got a home yet, he might have gone to a foster, so I’ll miss out on my Harold cuddles!
