Monday 23 March 2020

A new way of life ......for a while

So, it’s been confirmed, we’re on a lockdown. It’s not come as a surprise. We have plenty of food, so imagine I’ll only need to pop out once during the week for fresh essentials, if that.

We’ll work out when we’re going out for our once a day exercise, probably a walk. We have a level drive and a patio, where we might be able to cobble up some sort of gym work.

There’s obviously no volunteering for me for a while. Last Friday they were run off their feet at Blue Cross, as several people were off, self isolating. The laundry mountain was enormous, with staff having no time and very few volunteers in. So on Saturday I spent five hours feeding the laundrette size washing machine and tumble dryer, deep cleaning the staff room in between times.

Yesterday,  I had a delicious meal cooked for me and some lovely gifts. The weather was gorgeous. We even sat out in our deck chairs in the afternoon!

Today, I met my friend at Haldon Woods for a walk. Chatting so far apart was weird, but it was a lovely 3 1/2 mile walk in the sun, with lovely views.........

This felled tree will look spectacular in the winter when Jack Frost has visited!.....

We drank our drinks from our flasks at our respective cars and said we’d see each other whenever, as we’d had a feeling things would change tonight.

So, tomorrow, it’ll be a fairly normal day, washing and ironing etc. Hubby will be working from home. Our son still has to see of his place of work is open.

 I hope you all keep safe and well. I’ll hopefully catch up with blog reading tomorrow, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. Morning Ann, lovely photos. We all have to find new or different ways of doing things, don't we? I think planning our days and having some structure is the thing to do. It's not forever, we'll get through this. I'm telling myself that a lot!

    1. Morning Sooze! Yes, it’ll be strange, but I think we can all be flexible on how we do things and get used to them. I’m a great one for a ‘to do’ list, even if it’s not that exciting. It gives you something to work through and as you say, it’s not a permanent thing. We’re going to find it really hard not seeing our daughter in person and hope she deals with it ok. She’s only 23 and lives alone. But she has got her dog, thank god. On a positive note, our garden will look great by the end of it and I should have a good stock of cards made, haha!

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  3. A new normal, although how lovely to get the opportunity to visit with your friend, even if it did mean keeping apart.
    Stay well. X

    1. I was so pleased we managed a lovely walk before Monday evening’s announcement, Jules. Keep safe xx

  4. Hi Ann, just thought I would say “hi”, came to visit after seeing your comment at Marlene’s.

    You have a lovely blog, and I have fallen for Bumble - read back through a few of your posts and learnt about her health troubles. What a shame, she does sem to be a gorgeous girl, how old do you think she is?

    1. Hi Jayne, thank you for popping over from Marlene’s! I’m glad you enjoyed reading my blog. Bumble has a lovely temperament and it’s such a shame she has such health problems. My daughter said she is just over 4 years old.

    2. Thanks Ann. Do they think the dear girl end up in rescue because of her health problems - previous owner could not cope/did not want to?

    3. No, she wasn’t given up for that reason, but she’s fallen on her feet now, as she’s being spoilt rotten by my daughter (and us if I’m honest, when we see her!)

  5. What lovely photos!!

    I think the world will be changed for awhile. We have been practicing social distancing a lot and I am keeping up with loved ones via phone and Facebook.

    God bless.

    1. I think you’re right, Jackie, things will never be the same again. But I’m hoping it will be a kinder place. People are certainly pulling together.

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