Sunday 24 November 2019

More relaxed

It’s amazing how a little downtime can make you feel so much more relaxed! 

This past week has been very hectic. It’s been filled with normal chores, my weekly catch up with my friend, viewing the house my daughter’s is buying (and measuring up of rooms), skittles, watching Exeter City (twice), gardening, going to the gym, going for a long walk with my daughter (who had annual leave), had a very deep massage to deal with sore muscles and some Christmas shopping. 

I’ve enjoyed all of this, yes, even the ‘painful at times’ massage! But doing so many extra things eats into time that I would normally been spending keeping everything in order. So it’s untidier here than normal and that adds to stress levels, well it does in me! 

The other stress inducing factor is my lack of Christmas preparation, other than my cake, of course. Normally, by the middle of November, I have bought all the Christmas presents and wrapped some, written my ordinary Christmas cards and made my special ones. This year, I just haven’t had the time to get on with things. In our house, I ‘do’ Christmas and tell hubby what I’ve bought for everyone (and there are a lot of people we buy for!) I don’t want to change who we buy for and to be truthful, I really enjoy the whole buying and wrapping thing. I’m a very organised person and log what I’ve bought who, in a large notebook dating back to when we got married in 1993! So I guess, because I’ve not been able to be my normal organised self, it’s had a detrimental effect on me.

So, I’ve spent this weekend tidying up in my own sweet time, made a few lists for Christmas present ideas and taken some time to relax. I’ve also managed to fit in two sessions at the gym, which make me feel better afterwards. The remainder of the day will be spent, feeding the washing machine, reading blogs and catching up on some of my favourite tv programmes. 

Next week is back to normal, whatever that is and I’m really looking forward to that! I’ll leave you with a photo of a sunrise this week, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. Awww I am so glad your weekend has relaxed you Ann.
    I can't say mine has relaxed me really but hey ho there are plenty more weekends hopefully after the boiler has been fixed.

    1. I hope by next weekend, Sheila, your boiler will be fixed. I do feel for you! xx

  2. Glad you are feeling better,I could do with down time. x

    1. Oh, I do hope you can get some downtime soon! xx

  3. We certainly need down time in our busy lives. Glad you got some this weekend.

    1. Yes, Chris, it's so important to take a step back, isn't it! :)

  4. A bit of down time will have done you the world of good and I hope a few lists will have you feeling a bit more on top of your festive preparations. X

    1. It did, Jules and I'm a great believer in lists! I always feel so much more organised with them. It's also a great feeling to cross things off too! :)

  5. I seem to end up in this position quite often especially since I left work - I made my own 'getting back to tidy' chart that helps me with a list of catch up jobs to do when I have had to let my normal tasks go.
    The massage treatment sounds like a very good idea to me - I might book myself in for one. x

    1. A 'getting back to tidy' list is a great idea. I love our house, but it has very little storage, so gets easily cluttered. Yes, have a massage! I've been having one a month for years. Initially they were gentle relaxing massages to relieve anxiety. But as I've got older they've become the deeper sports type ones to deal with my aches and pains, haha. I've become good friends with the lady who does them too :)
