Wednesday 23 October 2019

Decorating and dog walks

Well I managed to get my kitchen decorated on Saturday. The morning was spent prepping, a job I hate, but if you’re doing a job, it has to be done right, as far as I’m concerned. There wasn’t much gloss to rub down, walls were sugar soaped and the tops of the kitchen wall units cleaned. How do they get so mucky? I’ve now lined them with greaseproof paper. My daughter’s partner popped in and painted the ceiling for me, while I started on the walls. By early evening, it was finished! Then the task began of fixing the shelf back for my various kilner jars and putting other bits back on to the worktop. It’s a very small kitchen and becomes cluttered very easily, so I’ve had a little clear out at the same time. My kitchen clock has broken and as I have a clock & timer on my oven, I’ve put a picture up in its place.......

It’s a real thing in the south west, which way you have your scone. A debate that can go on for ages! Obviously living in Exeter, I have it the Devonshire way. But I have to say this is probably only because you can get more cream on your scone that way, haha!

On Sunday, I met up with my daughter, who was staying at a friend’s house and looking after her 3 dogs, while she’s on holiday. We had a lovely walk in the grounds of National Trust Knightshayes House near Tiverton. The dogs tired themselves out and we built up an appetite! They were taken home for a snooze and we went out for a well earned delicious carvery.

Another dog walk on Monday. My friend picked me up with her dog and her son’s dog. That way I get a dog for the day! This time, it was a walk on Exmouth beach......

The weather was fine and quite mild, so I was surprised that there weren’t more families on the beach, bearing in mind it is half term. We came across a jellyfish that had been washed up. Must admit, they give me the heebie geebies !.....

Again, after our walk, it was time for the humans to refuel at our favourite dog friendly cafe. Bacon baguettes for us and a little bag of bones shaped biscuits for the dogs. My friend’s dog knows ‘Auntie’ Ann is a soft touch!

I played skittles in the evening, though badly. My sprained wrist hasn’t recovered as much as I thought and painting the kitchen probably didn’t help, to be honest. I went go to Aqua Fit last night too, but I did restrict the movement in my right hand. Hopefully by next weeks class, it’ll be a bit stronger.

As Halloween is nearing, I’ve decorated the mantlepiece appropriately......

The tree was originally bought, years ago, with little Easter Eggs. When I saw the autumnal decorations in a little independent gift shop, I knew the little tree had a new lease of life! A lot of the supermarkets have the munchkin pumpkins this year. With the addition of a few candles, it looks nice and cosy as the nights draw in......

So that’s the last few days. Hubby comes back from working abroad tomorrow, so I’ll have to share the remote again, lol! Thanks for popping by, cheerio for now, Ann x


  1. That was a good effort to get your kitchen done in a day - I knew we were going wrong somewhere as it always takes us a good week to decorate.
    I love your mantel piece decor - just the right amount of objects to make the statement of Halloween.

    1. My kitchen is very small! Hubby is now home and he hasn't noticed the spruced up kitchen yet, haha!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well done, you, on your decorating and also on all the exercise with the dogs! Hope your wrist feels better soon!
    Here we have a similar argument over butter tarts - to have raisins in them or not? The purists say not, but I prefer them with!

    1. I've not heard of butter tarts, I wonder what our equivalent would be?

  4. I always look forward to a walk on the beach at this time of year, it's usually nice and quiet.
    Your mantelpiece looks lovely. I especially love the little tree. Mine doesn't look anywhere near as elegant with three large funny faced pumpkins adorning it :D X

    1. I love a beach off season! It's the first time I've decorated the mantelpiece properly for Halloween. I'm sure your funny faced pumpkins look lovely! X
