Oops, late post for yesterday, you can I’m a Celebrity for that!
So I left home yesterday morning to meet my friend at Haldon Forest for a walk. It wasn’t exactly sunny, but quite bright. Even so I threw my waterproof in the car, if only to use it as a windcheater. Thank goodness I did! It’s only a very short drive, but as you go up Haldon Hill towards the forest it can become a different world. Once I was in the outskirts of the forest I pulled over to take the 1st photo. The fog and drizzle was getting worse, such a difference from home.
I parked up in the bit of the car park left that wasn’t a quagmire, pulled on my wellies & jacket and was greeted by Bruce, who never minds the weather! I have to say neither do my friend or I. As long as we’re dressed up, the weather can throw what it likes at us on our walks. We had too much to natter about to be bothered about a bit of rain or fog. We didn’t meet up last week, as I wasn’t sure whether we were allowed to drive somewhere to go for a walk (I checked police guidelines which said it was ok)
We walked our normal route and there weren’t many photo opportunities, due to the weather. The ferns are all very brown now and dying off, quite a difference from a couple of weeks ago.
Just as you turn in to where the cafe is ( it’s been takeaway only since the end the 1st lockdown), the forest rangers have put a washing line up, where loads of bird feeders have been hung. There were hundreds of birds swooping in and out, filling their bellies. This photo doesn’t really show the volume of birds, as they were zooming in and out so fast.

We ordered our coffees and cakes (Bakewell slice for me) and looked around for somewhere sheltered to eat and drink. All the picnic tables in the area and the wooden gazebo were cordoned off, presumably because it can get a bit congested at busy times. But there was a wooden shelter in a play area ( no children around at all), so we devoured our goodies in there, while Bruce had a few gravy bones. While we were there, we had a little visitor. A robin came down quite close, to see if there was a morsel or two for him. By the time I got my phone out to take a pic, he had perched himself just above us. He stayed there for a while, chittering away. Treats consumed, we resumed our muddy walk back to our cars.
The rest of the day was spent, doing chores ( washing, ironing, hoovering etc.) and feeding the home workers at various times throughout the evening. But we all sat down to watch I’m a Celebrity. It’s the only reality tv I watch and I wasn’t bothered about watching it again.....until it was changed this year to a welsh castle. I’m enjoying the different location and I like it when the group all get on. I know it’s not ‘good tv’ if there’s no needle between camp mates and it’s early days, but I’m liking it so far.
My son and girlfriend have their day off and are doing their own thing today. Therefore, after doing a Joe Wicks workout, I’m going to perhaps dabble with some Christmas cards ideas I have. I also need to walk up to the village, to the post office. So I’ll get my fresh air and a bit more exercise then. Have a lovely day, cheerio for now, Ann x