Friday 29 March 2019

My first attempt......

I’ve been reading blogs for quite some time and have always thought, can I do this? So I’m having a go! Just a blog about things I’m doing, making, baking and growing.        
The photo is of our cat, Karma. She is 11 1/2 years old and 4 1/2 years ago she was diagnosed as diabetic.  This means we don’t get a lie in any longer, as we have to give her insulin at 7 in the morning and again in the evening. She has a bit of an attitude, can you tell? But we all love her none the less. 
On Fridays, I volunteer at an animal rescue centre, socialising with the cats. Sometimes it’s lots of playing and other times I sit and quietly chat or read to the very shy or nervously ones. Today I came home covered in white fur, from a very friendly kitty. I also always take up some baked goodies for the humans. Today was Mary Berry’s Lemon Sandwich. Next Friday I’ll remember to take a photo!
It’s been a gorgeous day, in my neck of the woods. Fingers crossed for another lovely day tomorrow! 
Cheerio for now, Ann 



  1. Hello, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I'll add your blog to the side bar, hope you get lots of visitors and comments

    1. Thank you, Sue, I just hope I’m not too boring, haha! Not sur will manage every day, but we will see :)

  2. Karma is doing very well by the look of it and well cared for.

    1. Thanks Jean, we try and do well by her :)

  3. Hello from me too! I don't have a blog of my own (not brave enough!) but absolutely love reading other people's blogs. Karma looks like a lovely cat - we have a 6 yr old hand reared ex-feral who also has an attitude - I've never met such a strange cat!! We live in the east midlands but my hubby is originally from Devon and we visit his half of the family whenever we can - they're in Lewdown, Exbourne and Jacobstowe. It's lovely in your neck of the woods.

  4. Well done you for taking on a ex-feral cat, they’re not easy! I do love a cat with attitude, but you have to keep your wits about you sometimes. I do feel lucky to live in Devon :)

  5. Must have been a Mary Berry kind of day,my offering was her butternut squash soup minus the red pepper as I didn't have one but delicious 😋 all the same. Looking forward to hearing about your next bake 😋😋

    1. I do love a Mary Berry recipe, they tend to be no nonsense recipes. Your soup sounds very tasty! I don't make enough soups.

  6. Oh gosh ... she really DOES look like a cat full of character, she is gorgeous!

  7. Thank you, yes, she certainly has a lot of character! This photo does capture her haughtiness, which she has at times. She can be an old softie at times too :)
